This article ‘Job Market Trends Morocco 2020’, is all about the job market behavior; the number of added vacancies that month.
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- Explanation trends job market.
- graphs showing the job market behavior from April to the current month.
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Trends Job Market 2020 Morocco
The job market trends vary from month to month and depend on many different circumstances. The small and repetitive, but very low dips in the job market graphs are the weekends. Sometimes there is a short, or a longer dip, mostly around the weekends, which we mostly can connect to national holidays. And the bigger trends are due to the economic situation, right now with Corona, but this could be because of any economic setback in Morocco, and or the world.
April 2020
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Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the trend was already low and it looks somewhat stable. In the graph you can see a stable trend, and it is not getting lower anymore. On Wednesday, April the 1st there were uploaded 150 vacancies, and I will compare this number to the lowest point in April, the 17th with 45 vacancies.
May 2020
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In May the number of vacancies started increasing again. So in April, the number of uploaded vacancies was between 45 and 150 (not taking the weekend dips into account). In May the lowest point was on the 24th, which was the last day of the Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr). In May the number of vacancies was between 90 (20th) and 225 (26th). A good development!
June 2020
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In June the number of uploaded vacancies was rising and it spiked at 270 vacancies on the 17th, and the lowest point was 75 vacancies on the 16th. That is a great development.
Juli 2020
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In Juli spiked at 205 and there is something happening, the number of uploaded vacancies in Juli is lower dan in June. And towards the beginning of August, it is getting even lower. But no worries! My Moroccan colleagues told me that these months the Moroccan citizens have their happy months;) there are more national holidays. Which always has a big impact on the number of vacancies that are uploaded on the job market of course.
Trends Job Market 2020 Morocco
Trends job market April
Trends job market May

Trends uploaded vacancies Morocco in May
Trends job market June

Trends uploaded vacancies Morocco in June
Trends job market Juli

Number of uploaded vacancies in Juli
Learn more!
You can learn more about Morocco with the help of our other statistics. I wrote an article about the most in-demand jobs in Morocco in 2020. It is especially interesting to see how that is evolving over the last couple of months. And we found out what the biggest job portals are in Morocco!
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