This article ‘Job Market Trends Slovakia,’ is all about the job market behavior in 2020; we display the number of uploaded vacancies by job boards every month until now.
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About Slovakia
- Main City: Bratislava
- Official Language: Slovakian
- EU-member state since: May 1st, 2004
- Currency: Euro. Member of the eurozone.
- Schengen: Member of the Schengen Area since December 21st, 2007.
Job Market Trends Slovakia
Job Market Statistic March
In Slovakia, the first week of the month, the number of vacancies was around 200 uploads per day. The second week it suddenly dropped to 100, and this remained stable for the rest of the month. In March, STAA was only crawling the biggest job board in Slovakia, Profesia. So I took some action, and in April, STAA started crawling multiple job boards. Which did not make a big difference, but you can read all about it in our article about the biggest job portal(s) in Slovakia.
Job Market Statistic April
In April, you could say that the increase in vacancies has something to do with the extra job boards STAA is crawling, but I seriously doubt that, take a look at the recommended article about the biggest job portals. Then you can really see that Profesia nearly has a monopoly position.
About the numbers, on April 1st, there were 114 vacancies uploaded and on the 30th, 190 vacancies. So you can see that the number of vacancies has risen until the level of March 9th (188 vacancies) and that the stable low period that started March 16th ended at the beginning of April.
Job Market Statistic May
I always like the trends in the Slovakian job market. They look so steady and calm—no significant changes, but stable periods and sometimes a week where it is a little higher. In May, the number of uploaded vacancies is between 200 and 300 in the first three weeks. You can see in the beginning a long weekend of three days, and in the last week, there was a modest spike to 400, and the other days in the week, the trend was stable around 300 uploads per day with a decrease towards the end of the month.
Job Market Statistic June
In June, the number of uploaded vacancies is hovering steadily around the 250 uploaded vacancies per day. With a slight increase in the second week of the month, a little dip in the third week, and a stable trend in the last week of June, there is nothing special to report. The trend is not up to the pre-COVID-19 levels, but it is higher than in the midst of it.
Job Market Statistic Juli
In Juli, you can see that I was a little later with the statistics. However, still, they are interesting to look at;) So, in the first quarter of the graph, you can see the same trend as the previous month but with a dip on July 8th, which was the day that we migrated our STAA-data to our current cloud solution. The rest of the months’ trend is hovering at a higher level than the previous month, around 400 instead of 250. Great news!
Graphs Job Market Trends Slovakia
In this section I would suggest that you zoom in a little bit, so you can better see all the details in the graphs. You can press ctrl on your keyboard and scroll, press options in your browser and go to zoom, or use buttons on your keyboard.
Job Market Statistic March
Job Market Statistic April

Job market statistic April
Job Market Statistic May

Job market statistic May
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