The Development of Recruitment Software (STAA)

The story behind the development of our recruitment automation software, STAA – Sales, and Talent Acquisition. 

Why we Developed Recruitment Software

STAA is a recruitment automation software developed to automate initial recruitment and sales efforts.

A solution Gerard Koolen developed to help salespeople and recruiters with their day-to-day tasks. And most of these daily tasks recruiters and salespeople continuously forget, and this results in them placing too few candidates, and landing just a couple of new clients, and losing clients.

Gerard kept track of all the keys to success for recruiters and salespeople (and he himself has always been a great salesperson and recruiter). And he continuously learned from the underperformers at his companies. He knew what they didn’t do, according to all the metrics they kept in their recruitment software, TalentBase.

Therefore he came up with an idea to help recruiters and salespeople at agencies to succeed easier in their jobs.

Lack of recruitment automation in Sales

Salespeople continuously forget to contact their clients and prospects. And, it takes a lot of time to get meetings with prospects. The worst is that they have to do a lot of manual and boring work. They need to make excel sheets and fill them with data they find on google. But finding data on google isn’t always easy because they need to identify contact persons, find contact details, make numerous calls, and more.

Lack of recruitment automation in Recruitment

Recruiters have a lot to do. They need many hours, weeks, and sometimes months to scrape together a longlist with qualifying candidates. Next to that, they are human, so the chance they overlook candidates is huge. They lose many vacancies because they do not introduce candidates fast enough.

Our colleagues lose a lot of time with data entry, sending and answering e-mails, looking for contact details, searching on social media, and CV portals, …which is all extremely time-consuming. And they don’t like it.

Development Recruitment Automation Sofware

And to find the perfect software to solve these issues was not easy. Gerard’s words: “Before I thought of making it ourselves, we scanned the entire market for existing recruitment apps. And we didn’t find a single app which does all that we wanted. So, I started to look for developers who could make it. I traveled the world. I went to Bucharest, Bratislava, Toronto, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, New York, Amsterdam, and several other places. But all that I heard was: your idea is excellent, but we can’t make it. Tell us when it’s ready because we love to market it for you in our country. After two years, I finally found a Romanian company to develop the STAA software, and now, after three years, we are about to go live with the first modules.”

And this is how this great big idea came up. Disruptive software developed with the latest technologies to solve all our problems, to help recruitment professionals worldwide focus more on people and less on data-entry and data-searching.

Recruitment Magic!

STAA stands for Sales & Talent Acquisition Application. And it’s recruitment magic!

  1. The user can upload a vacancy or a CV.
  2. Within a couple of seconds, STAA produces a shortlist of candidates for a vacancy.
  3. With just a click, you can introduce a candidate to all these vacancies.

When we showed this to our colleagues and friends, they could only say one thing: “Wow, this is magic,”….and it is!

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