STAA matching software. Act fast, while it’s (still) free!
Try it out for free before we install a payment gateway 🙂 You only need a simple CV to get started and find great matching vacancies for your profile.
When you upload your CV, just as in every other job portal, companies who search for talent are able to contact you. If you want to stop, simply remove your account.
How does it work?
Upload your CV
Upload your CV to our job matching tool. It doesn’t need to be fancy, you can just upload your most simple, basic CV.

Processing of CV
STAA processes your details, and structures your data for optimal matching. You can click the button to speed up the process.

Enter a password
After a couple of seconds, your CV is processed. Now you can enter a password to create your account to access the automated matching tool.

Find verification email
Take a look in your inbox to find the verification email. You always need this to log in because we want to keep your data secure!

Discover your matches!
Discover your matches! Feel free to adjust your profile, matching algorithms, and your location to discover all the interesting vacancies that match your CV.

Find a job, super easy, super fast!
Find great jobs, with our CV matching software.
When you upload your CV, just as in every other job portal, companies who search for talent are able to contact you. If you want to stop, simply remove your account.