Trends Recruitment Market 2020 March

trends recruitment market march 2020

In this article, Trends Recruitment Market 2020 March, you will learn what happened to the job market in Europe in March during the start of the corona crisis.

Trends Recruitment Market March

It was bad, very bad. In March the job market started plummeting. COVID-19 really kicked in because on the 12th of March the governments declared it that it was a pandemic. And that resulted in an economic downfall immediately.

You can clearly see that in the results for Romania and Slovakia, two countries in Europe. I made a visual of these pictures combined. In March I just got the idea to start working on these trend reports, so that is the reason why we only have Romania and Slovakia here. But of course, this happened in all the countries. All over the world.

As soon as the first signs of this crisis appeared, the number of new job listings started decreasing.  And at the end of March, there was a big dip in the trend of the uploaded vacancies on job portals. And it is very easy to understand, as the recruitment market always takes the first hit when a crisis happens. It is very logical because in times of economic downfall fewer and fewer companies want to spend more money on extra people.

Recruitment Market Update March

Recruitment Market Update March

Even though I supplied you with this update, this article format will not continue. I created specified articles for each country, because otherwise, this article would become too extensive.

I changed the structure of the article ‘Trends Recruitment Market 2020 March’ and all our STAA Recruitment/Job Market Trend Reports. I separated all the countries because it is easier to spot a country’s job market trends when all the data is on one page. And if you have some questions.

You can go quickly to the updates from the following countries:

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