This article ‘Trends Job Market 2020 Ukraine’, is all about the job market behavior, the number of added vacancies that month, and the top 10 most wanted positions for the past months.
Table of Contents
Trends Job Market 2020 Ukraine
Here you can read the summary, but you can always move past it to see the graphs and more detailed information.
- The number of uploaded vacancies in May has increased in comparison with April.
- In May the top 10 vacancies are four sales jobs, two jobs in shops (sort of sales), one call center job (probably also a sales job), two positions in accounting, and one IT job.
- In April the top 10 vacancies are three sales jobs, two jobs in shops, two positions in accounting, one call center job and one IT job.*
* There were nine this time because of some mishap with the parser.
Number of Ukrainian vacancies uploaded in May 2020
We fixed the harvester, but the graph is still not the way it should be. Still, it is possible to see a trend. Since May 21st, companies uploaded between 320 and 510 vacancies, much more than at the beginning of the crisis. If you look at the beginning of April, you can see that companies uploaded between 200 and 320 vacancies. I’m not taking the long dips into account that are due to the malfunction in the connection.

Trends Job Market 2020 Ukraine
Number of Ukrainian vacancies uploaded in April 2020
I started collecting data in this month. This graph looks strange. In the first half of the month, companies still uploaded vacancies, but on April 13th, it started plummeting. I asked around, and this was because one harvester lost its connection. The biggest job portal in Ukraine,, was rebranded to So we had to fix this one:)
Trends Job Market 2020 April (source, STAA)
Trends Job Market 2020 Ukraine
Top 10 vacancies in Ukraine May
The top 10 vacancies in Ukraine, the translation and you can see the numbers below the graph:
- Sales Manager
- Sales Representative
- Accountant
- Shop assistant
- Account Manager
- Chief Accountant
- Medical representative
- Call center operator
- System Administrator
- Cashier
Top 10 vacancies in Ukraine April
In the top 10 vacancies in Ukraine, I will show you first the translation, and you can see the numbers in the graph.
- Sales Manager
- Salesman
- Accountant
- Shop Assistant
- Account Manager
- Call center operator
- Chief Accountant
- System Administrator
- –
- Storekeeper
Top 10 vacancies April 2020 Ukraine (source, STAA)
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