Invest in Recruitment Technology

Invest in recruitment technology

Are you interested in expanding your business, and do you think you need to invest in recruitment technology? Don’t look further. I’ll tell you something truly interesting.

The recruitment landscape is changing, and you know it. There are many recruitment software companies you can choose to work with. Recruitment businesses are using software to streamline their processes to become more productive. And we as recruitment executives have to adapt our companies in order to succeed

Start of our journey

At Lugera, we have adapted through the previous 24 years and we have reached many milestones. We’ve established an exceptional level of efficiency with our self-built software TalentBase®. We invested in recruitment technology and it has served us very well. But it became outdated, so my colleagues and I searched for solutions and began to think about all the problems software could solve. 

The biggest problems were: great salespeople could sell more, but they didn’t. And recruiters couldn’t meet their KPI’s. The most important reason behind this is that salespeople and recruiters have to do many boring manual tasks, no one can do fast and efficiently. You might recognize the following super boring, dull, tedious tasks:


  • searching for new vacancies online
  • finding contact details
  • having recruiters work out longlists with qualifying candidates
  • sending endless e-mails/messages 


  • searching in database/LinkedIn
  • conducting longlists and shortlists
  • sending huge amounts of messages

There are many tasks smart recruitment technology can do faster. It can free up time for these intelligent people so that they can do work which is more meaningful and fun.

Our investment in recruitment technology

So we started our quest, to find the best state-of-the-art recruitment software that was available in the market. But we couldn’t find it! We asked dozens of great recruitment tech companies if they’d want to integrate our ideas. And we presented them with some great ideas.

Still, this approach wasn’t working out very well. No one dared to do it, because they were only interested in doing things their way, from a programmers perspective. We wanted (and still want) solutions focused on our specific needs. Needs only executives and employees in recruitment businesses can have. Ideas only we can come up with. 

That’s the reason why we started thinking about making our own recruitment software, again. We knew it would cost us a lot of time, money, blood, sweat, and tears. And yes, we had to do it, because no one could. It even took us a whole year to find a company that was able to write the code! So in 2015, we started building STAA, and the results are incredible. I’ll show you what it is. 

STAA – Sales and Talent Acquisition Application

STAA is smart Sales and Talent Acquisition software you use to increase the efficiency of your recruitment and sales efforts. When salespeople and recruiters use STAA, they become 2,4 times more efficient. So the output with STAA and your workforce will be more than doubled! 

You can use the automated version, so STAA: 

  1. finds all the new vacancies online
  2. matches the vacancies with candidates who fit the job
  3. makes personalized messages and sends them

The only thing salespeople have to do is follow up on the offers. Make phone calls and set meetings to find out what the leads think of the offerings.

And recruiters don’t have to screen-gaze anymore because STAA does the following jobs for them. 

  1. it matches vacancies with candidates
  2. it sends offers to all the candidates 

And if you start thinking, so now my recruiter’s out of a job soon? Then you’re wrong. By doing this dull and repetitive work, a recruiter isn’t adding any value to the recruitment process. If you think in terms of value, you’ll immediately see that recruiters can focus on real interpersonal skills by following up in a personal way. Instead of writing general messages to send in a mass-e-mail non-personal way. 

Investment & partnership 

How do you fit in this story? Well, we’ve made an amazing Sales and Talent Acquisition Application. We’re going to disrupt the recruitment market. So we’re looking for partners who want to invest in our amazing recruitment technology. Our ambitions are worldwide, and we have the following opportunities for you. 

Invest in Recruitment Technology

You can invest in The Jobber Partnership (the BV that owns STAA and NTB (New TalentBase, more information on that soon). Buy our shares, to sell in the future with huge profits. It’s possible to buy 5% of the shares for 54 million euros. 

Partner up!

You can become our partner! We have invested a great deal of our own resources in the software. Partner with us and we grow together. We have a fantastic deal that will help you grow your (recruitment) business.

Country Partner will enjoy 10% of all the STAA revenue in a country. The main focus is to establish access for STAA to a rich database of CV’s, Vacancies, Staffing Agencies, and Employers. You will invest time and resources. You will pay once a start-up fee of €12.000 for implementation and development. 

Premium Partner will enjoy 30% of ALL the STAA revenue on its dedicated platform in a country. You will cover a market segment and or region. Here you will sell access to your STAA platform to all your business partners. These business partners can be staffing agencies, employers, freelancers, or job seekers. You will invest time and resources. You’ll pay once a start-up fee of €12.000 for implementation and development.

CV Partner will enjoy 10% of ALL the STAA revenue in a country. You implement STAA in your job portal for the matching tool, communication tool, and parsing tool. You will pay once a start-up fee of € 12.000 for implementation and development. It’s possible to charge a fee per CV too, a less lucrative option. 

If you’d like to look at our contracts for partnerships, click here.


Interested in more information, and would you like to talk with us in person? Schedule a demo via the button on top of the page. We would love to hear from you!

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